Acupuncture for fertility
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach focused not just on treating symptoms, but on addressing the root causes of fertility challenges. I provide acupuncture and herbal remedies to optimize your health and improve your fertility naturally and sustainably.
Benefits of acupuncture for natural fertility:
Improves egg quality
Thickens the endometrial lining
Reduces stress, anxiety and PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome)
Regulates the hormonal system
Maintains progesterone levels for the first trimester to avoid miscarriage
Improves pregnancy rates during IVF treatment cycles, when acupuncture is received for the 8 weeks leading up to an embryo transfer
Improves sperm count and quality in men with infertility
What I See in my Clinic
Unexplained Infertility
Recurrent Miscarriages
Luteal Phase Defect
Thin Uterine Lining
Advanced Maternal Age
Poor Egg Quality, Low AMH
Anovulation - Amenorhhea
High FSH, Poor Responders
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
blocked fallopian tubes
uterine fibroids
Poor semen quality and quantity
During your acupuncture session, I will conduct a thorough medical review, which includes assessing the quality of your menstrual cycle and examining your lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, stress, and emotional well-being.
By targeting each phase of the menstrual cycle with treatments personalized to your unique constitution, acupuncture combined with herbal therapy provides a holistic and effective approach to fertility.
Let's start this transformative path together!
My practice accepts insurance for patients.
If you would like to use insurance benefits, please fill out the insurance form here:
button "verify your eligibility here"
I will contact you as soon as the benefits are established.
*HSA and FSA payments accepted.