Illustration of a baby and flowers in a womb within a heart symbol.  <a href="">People illustrations by Storyset</a>

Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Who doesn’t want a healthy and safe pregnancy? Trust me, you don't want to miss out on the huge impact acupuncture can have on your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. It's truly a bliss!

A baby wrapped up in linens

Key Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy:

Illustration of an herb

First Trimester

Reducing Miscarriage Risks: Strengthens kidney essence to support embryo development and decrease complication risks.

Symptom Relief: Alleviates common discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and bloating.

Illustration of an herb.

Second Trimester

Pain Relief: Eases back pain and sciatica.

Health Issue Prevention: Helps prevent gestational diabetes, hypertension and premature labor

Improved Sleep: Addresses issues like insomnia and restlessness, night sweats

improved digestion: constipation, acid reflux

Illustration of an herb

Third Trimester

Breech Correction: Encourages optimal baby positioning if discovered breech by 34 weeks.

Pre-labor Preparation: Readies the body for labor by ripening the cervix and positioning the baby.

Labor Prep. programme

assures smooth, physiological, & painless labor & deliveries. Lowers the rate of induction, c section, episiotomy and instruments

starts at 36 weeks of pregnancy

1 session per week until 39 weeks and then 2 sessions per week after 39 weeks

Illustration of a flower

Efficient Labor

Softens and dilates the cervix to expedite labor progression.

Illustration of a flower

Emotional Support

Boosts confidence and reduces stress to promote the release of oxytocin.

Illustration of a flower

Perineal Preparation

Reduces the risk of tearing by stretching and preparing the perineum.

Illustration of a flower

Natural Induction

Strengthens and induces contractions to prevent overdue pregnancies and facilitate a smooth labor.

additional advice and tricks to avoid passing the due date. enjoy my french midwife experience to make the difference!

During your acupuncture session, I will conduct a comprehensive medical review and assess key lifestyle factors, including your diet, exercise habits, stress levels, and emotional well-being. I'll also address any questions you have about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, sharing secret tips from my experience as a midwife. I'm here to support you every step of the way!

My practice accepts insurance for patients.

If you would like to use insurance benefits, please fill out the insurance form here:

I will contact you as soon as the benefits are established.

*HSA and FSA payments accepted.