Acupuncture for Pregnancy
Who doesn’t want a healthy and safe pregnancy? Trust me, you don't want to miss out on the huge impact acupuncture can have on your pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. It's truly a bliss!
Key Benefits of Acupuncture During Pregnancy:
First Trimester
Reducing Miscarriage Risks: Strengthens kidney essence to support embryo development and decrease complication risks.
Symptom Relief: Alleviates common discomforts such as nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and bloating.
Second Trimester
Pain Relief: Eases back pain and sciatica.
Health Issue Prevention: Helps prevent gestational diabetes, hypertension and premature labor
Improved Sleep: Addresses issues like insomnia and restlessness, night sweats
improved digestion: constipation, acid reflux
Third Trimester
Breech Correction: Encourages optimal baby positioning if discovered breech by 34 weeks.
Pre-labor Preparation: Readies the body for labor by ripening the cervix and positioning the baby.
Labor Prep. programme
assures smooth, physiological, & painless labor & deliveries. Lowers the rate of induction, c section, episiotomy and instruments
starts at 36 weeks of pregnancy
1 session per week until 39 weeks and then 2 sessions per week after 39 weeks
Efficient Labor
Softens and dilates the cervix to expedite labor progression.
Emotional Support
Boosts confidence and reduces stress to promote the release of oxytocin.
Perineal Preparation
Reduces the risk of tearing by stretching and preparing the perineum.
Natural Induction
Strengthens and induces contractions to prevent overdue pregnancies and facilitate a smooth labor.
additional advice and tricks to avoid passing the due date. enjoy my french midwife experience to make the difference!
During your acupuncture session, I will conduct a comprehensive medical review and assess key lifestyle factors, including your diet, exercise habits, stress levels, and emotional well-being. I'll also address any questions you have about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, sharing secret tips from my experience as a midwife. I'm here to support you every step of the way!
My practice accepts insurance for patients.
If you would like to use insurance benefits, please fill out the insurance form here:
I will contact you as soon as the benefits are established.
*HSA and FSA payments accepted.